Monday, May 18, 2020

International Business Entry Modes - 1458 Words

Introduction An international entry mode is an institutional agreement necessary for the entry of a company’s products, technology and human capital into a foreign country or market. The reluctance of firms to change entry modes once they are in place, and the difficulty involved in doing so, make the mode of entry decision a key strategic issue for firms operating in today’s rapidly internationalizing market place. The choice of mode will depend on internal characteristics (eg firm size, international experience) and external characteristics (eg the sociocultural distance between the host country and the home country) as well as the trade-off between desired mode characteristics (risk adverse, control and flexibility). The diagram†¦show more content†¦Contract manufacturing- where manufacturing is contracted to an external foreign partner provides a low risk and potentially low cost mode of entry. Benetton and Ikea are a good example of companies who successfully rely on a contractual network of small overseas manufacturers. Benetton has over 80% of its production outsourced to 450 contractors (located in low cost production countries such as India and China). As a result of the money saved on labour, Benetton can sell products 20% cheaper, helping it to maintain a low cost position in comparison to competitors. Of course, this method may not be appropriate for every company as there i s a loss of knowledge and intellectual property rights, and the transaction costs involved must also be considered. Licensing differs from contract manufacturing in that more value chain functions have been transferred to the licensee. In outsourcing production and downstream activities a licensor firm can concentrate on its core competences and therefore will remain technologically superior in its product development- for example Apple licenses its brand to manufacturers of accessory products, and the BBC licenses rights to broadcast TV shows around the world. However a lack of control over licensor operations and therefore quality may lead a company to use franchising (a sub variant of licensing) in which the franchisor gives a right to the franchisee against aShow MoreRelatedEntry Modes in International Business2934 Words   |  12 Pages------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- Received: | ------------------------------------------------- | | ASSESSMENT FRONT COVER SHEET | COURSE: | The Development of International Business since the 1870s | STUDENT NUMBER: | 2 | 1 | 8 | 5 | 9 | 4 | 1 | WORD COUNT*: | | 2 | 4 | 3 | 1 | *excluding bibliography, references and appendices Please submit your assignment to the designated submission venue. ------------------------------------------------- Read MoreEntry Strategy in International Business1593 Words   |  7 Pages9.0 Entry Strategy 9.1 Introduction Entry strategy is about the decision to enter which foreign market, when in what scale and regarding the choice of entry mode. 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